Nutrition entails get the right amount of vitamins and minerals, along with the balanced intake of carbohydrates, protein, and fat intake. Proper nutrition is beneficial not only to the overall body well-being but also the dental conditions. Research indicates that practicing proper nutrition enhances the development of teeth and gums and maintaining a healthy mouth. The relationship between proper nutrition is bidirectional as poor oral health can affect the overall body health while the compromise on one's overall health equally affects one's dental health. This is shown by the manifestation of ill-related symptoms when one lacks certain nutrients for the whole body or dental health.
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay, or simply dental cavities, is facilitated by the growth of bacteria in the mouth. When one fails to brush their teeth after sugary food intake, bacteria in the mouth feed the sugary particles combined with saliva, producing acids as the by-products. The acids cling and adhere to the teeth' enamel, forming plaque. After some time, the formed material eats up the enamel leaving holes in the teeth, ultimately leading to gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. Unfortunately, failure to clean up the mess results in a more complicated infection resulting in tooth loss. You don't want that, do you?
Implications of Nutrition to Dental Health
Often, poor diet intake fuels dental-related complications. For instance, when left untreated, tooth cavities or decay results in a painful and discomforting feeling when grinding and chewing food. The complications go a long way in affecting one's diet as one may fail to take hard, high-fiber foods due to the painful effects the complications have. Therefore, diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular infections escalate from poor oral health.
Offering Care
When facing challenges balancing nutritional value-based foods with dental health needs, feel free to visit our friendly dentists for additional clarifications. Our practitioners are well versed in nutrition measures to maintain good oral health. Call our offices and book a consultation today for quality services.
Dental Blog | Neu Family Dental | East Dundee, IL Neu Family Dental, 573 Dundee Avenue, East Dundee, IL 60118 / (847) 230-9143 / / 2/12/2025 / Related Terms: Dentist East Dundee IL /