Wisdom teeth, which come in at a later age in life, play a crucial role in grinding tough food and also providing support to the jaw. As they come in, you may experience some discomfort. While this discomfort may be normal, once you experience pain, then that may show an underlying problem. There are several instances where your dentist may recommend the extraction of the wisdom teeth, even without discomfort.
No Room for Growth
A dentist may recommend the extraction of wisdom teeth if there is no room for these teeth to grow. This means that the wisdom teeth will be confined beneath your gum, which will lead to them being trapped in your jaw. The lack of room will cause a substantial form of discomfort, which can be a gateway for infections or the creation of abscesses that can erode bone structure.
Partial Growth
When wisdom teeth do not come in properly or come in partially, they can lead to gum diseases and other forms of infection. This is because partial growth makes it difficult to clean or floss between the wisdom teeth. Therefore, bacteria can accumulate which will eventually lead to gum diseases. Occasionally, the affected wisdom teeth can infect the neighboring teeth, which can lead to the damage of the roots of these neighboring teeth.
Growth At an Angle
In other instances, wisdom teeth may come in fully, but grow unusually, leading to damage of the neighboring teeth. These wisdom teeth that grow at an unusual angle can also lead to overcrowding of teeth in the mouth.
That being said, it is important to keep in mind that not all people experience problems with their wisdom teeth. While there are many reasons for the extraction of wisdom teeth, it is highly advisable that you consult with your dentist before deciding.
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