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Ice is Hazardous to Your Oral Health

Posted on 2/29/2020 by Bryan Neu
Ice is Hazardous to Your Oral HealthWhen the weather is hot, you are at the ball game, sitting on the benches watching your 3rd little league game in a row, you reach down in the cooler and you throw a handful of ice in your mouth and chomp down… nothing feels better, right? WRONG! That short-term comfort can have some long-term expensive consequences.

Tooth Damage From Ice Chewing

No getting around it, chewing on ice hammers your teeth! If you practice good oral hygiene and proper dental care, your natural teeth are designed to last your entire lifetime. Bashing around a mouthful of ice in your mouth by the handful is nothing but a dental emergency waiting to happen teeth fractures, chipping, cracking, worn down tooth enamel, increased sensitivity to cold and hot foods, and making your teeth increasingly more vulnerable to decay.

Not to mention running the risk of damaging any previous dental work you have already had done like veneers or fillings. All of that combined can cause a lot of pain not only in your mouth but your wallet as well.

Those people who are serious ice chewers need to check with their physician to see if there is an underlying cause, as ice chewing has also been linked to anemia a serious blood disorder. If you can't put the ice down, then call your dentist or physician right away to see if they can start to troubleshoot why you are chewing on so much ice. Where there is a cause there is an effect.

We recommend that ice chewers try and substitute gum for the ice and leaving the ice in the glass. If you are experiencing problems with chewing ice or you feel you are having issues from chewing on ice so much, give our office a call and let us reference you with some resources that can help you get some help. We look forward to hearing from you.
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