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Signs Your Baby is Teething
Posted on 5/15/2020 by Bryan Neu
Signs Your Baby is Teething
Your baby's first tooth will appear during the first year of life. As the tooth emerges, the baby can become irritable and cranky. For parents, this can be a pretty challenging time, but with a little bit of care, it can be a manageable task.

When Does Your Baby Start to Teeth?

Typically, the first tooth emerges around 6 months although the range can be anywhere between 3 months to 14 months. Some babies only get one tooth at a time; while others may have theirs erupt in pairs. According to the American Dental Association, a child should visit the dentist by his first birthday. However, if the child's teeth do not show any signs of erupting by this age, the parents can discuss tooth development with Dr. Neu and our doctors at Neu Family Dental.

Signs Your Baby May Be Teething

Different babies experience different signs of teething. Some babies may not feel any discomfort during teething while other may feel soreness and pain that can persist for several weeks, depending on how fast the tooth erupts.
Some signs that your baby may be teething is this:
•  Excessive drooling
•  More biting than usual (on toys, fingers, etc.)
•  Loss of appetite
•  Rash around the mouth
•  Irritability and/or loss of sleep

How to Treat Teething Pain

Fortunately, discomfort of teething can be easily managed. Giving the baby a teething ring to chew on or applying gentle pressure with your finger can give your baby relief from the pain. If your baby cannot sleep, giving them a warm bath and gently rocking them may help to clam them.

At Neu Family Dental, we may also prescribe over-the-counter pain relief medicine though they need to be taken in minute dosages as they may affect your child's oxygen supply.

At your baby's first dental appointment, Dr. Neu and our doctors will guide you through the process of teething and how to provide comfort to your baby. If you baby is teething and you need some advice, schedule an appointment with us by calling us at (847) 230-9143.
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