Fluoride allergies are very rare, but they can be serious. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps prevent tooth decay. A fluoride allergy can manifest itself in several different ways, depending on whether the individual has a mild or severe reaction. When a patient has a serious fluoride allergy, we advise them to be diligent in their consumption of foods and use of toothpastes, as both can trigger severe symptoms of their fluoride allergy.
Symptoms of Fluoride Allergy
One of the reasons it is difficult for a patient to realize they may have a fluoride allergy is because the symptoms are common with many other conditions, and fluoride is contained in many food and drink that you may be unaware of.
Symptoms exhibited can range from nausea, including vomiting and the sensation of an upset stomach, physical and mental fatigue, that can manifest in muscle pain, and headaches. In terms of more serious symptoms, a patient can experience blurred vision, facial swelling, including swelling inside the mouth, and anaphylactic shock.
Some of these symptoms may appear very serious, and it is important to diagnose the allergy if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, but fortunately there antihistamines that can be used to counteract fluoride's impact on a sufferer's condition.
If you contact us about fluoride, we can advise you on how to live with a fluoride allergy, and how to identify the sources of fluoride, in order to avoid the onset of symptoms. Toothpaste and mouthwash are among the more obvious culprits for fluoride containing products, but substances such as juice and soda also contain enough fluoride to trigger symptoms.
If you notice any of these symptoms, come visit our office and we can diagnose the allergy properly. It is good to seek professional advice from us, and to acquire the appropriate antihistamines, in case of an allergic reaction.
Dental Blog | Neu Family Dental | East Dundee, IL Neu Family Dental, 573 Dundee Avenue, East Dundee, IL 60118, (847) 230-9143, neufamilydental.com, 2/9/2025, Page Phrases: Dentist East Dundee IL,