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Diagnodent Dental Laser

Diagnodent Laser Treatment provided by in East Dundee, IL at

A dental laser from Neu Family DentalCavities are a common oral health issue that affects millions of people of all ages. Cavities form as a result of tooth decay, which is caused by the acids produced by plaque and bacteria that exist naturally within the mouth. These acids erode protective tooth enamel, causing it to grow weak. Weak spots eventually lead to the formation of small pits, or cavities. Cavities only continue to grow larger the longer they go untreated. Dental exams are crucial for detecting cavities and decay in their earliest stages, allowing for the least invasive treatments. At Neu Family Dental, we can detect even the smallest cavities with Diagnodent.

What is Diagnodent?

Diagnodent is an advanced dental laser. The purpose of this laser is to detect cavities in the earliest stages of development, allowing for prompt, minimally invasive treatments. The Diagnodent laser is used during your routine dental exams in conjunction with a visual inspection of your teeth as well as dental X-rays. With Diagnodent, we can detect the presence of cavities hidden inside the teeth, where they would otherwise go undetected by other means.

Cavity Detection with Diagnodent

The Diagnodent laser is fast. It is also completely painless. After we clean your teeth, we use the laser to scan them. The laser emits a harmless beam of fluorescent light into your mouth. The light bounces back off your teeth to a laser diode. Healthy teeth reflect little to no fluorescence. Areas of decay, however, will reflect higher amounts. The fluorescence that reflects onto the diode is then translated into a number on the LED screen of the Diagnodent base unit. The higher the number on the screen, the more decay there is in the tooth. Along with a number on the screen, the Diagnodent also emits a noise when it passes over an area of decay in a tooth.

Enjoy the Many Benefits of Diagnodent

The Diagnodent laser provides several significant benefits. These benefits include:
•  Fast scanning of your teeth. Using the Diagnodent laser is quick. It usually only takes a few minutes to scan your entire mouth.
•  The laser is completely painless. We do not need to poke or prod at your teeth to detect areas of decay.
•  The laser is completely safe. It emits a harmless beam of fluorescent light, making it safe enough to use at every dental exam.
•  We can detect the presence of decay hidden inside the teeth. The Diagnodent laser allows us to detect decay that cannot be seen with the naked eye or dental X-rays.
•  The laser technology in Diagnodent helps us to detect cavities and decay in their earliest stages of development, including decay developing under the surface of the teeth.
•  Decay can be found before it turns into a cavity.
•  Earlier detection allows us to provide you with prompt, less invasive treatments. This means that necessary fillings can be shallower, helping to preserve more of your natural tooth structure.
•  The Diagnodent laser is one of the most effective ways to detect cavities in your teeth.
•  The laser can help to ease anxiety for patients who are fearful of dental visits.

With Diagnodent, we can detect the earliest symptoms of cavities, including hidden cavities, allowing for fast, effective treatment to restore your oral health. For more information on Diagnodent, call Neu Family Dental at (847) 230-9143 today.

The first step to a healthy, beautiful smile
is to schedule an appointment. Call us today.
573 Dundee Ave
East Dundee, IL 60118
Call our office today
(847) 230-9143

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Daidnodent Laser | Neu Family Dental | East Dundee, IL
At Neu Family Dental maintaining the oral health, as well as the overall health, and safety of our patients, team and community is our top priority. Learn how the Daignodent Laser can help!
Neu Family Dental, 573 Dundee Avenue, East Dundee, IL 60118 ~ (847) 230-9143 ~ ~ 1/22/2025 ~ Associated Words: Dentist East Dundee IL ~